Growing up I distinctly remember how a glass of milk was no less than the poster boy for health!!
Unlike today at that time the divergent benefits of Gluten Free and Lactose-Free were quite alien to most of us, and so, were magical concoctions like my Banana Almond Paleo Smoothie!
This absolutely guilt-free smoothie was introduced to me by my nutritionist friend Ritesh Bawri… A real energy booster that can be had before or after workouts by kids and young adults alike… Some can also substitute it for a meal, like my husband and me often do!!!
An awesome blend of health with just the right amount of sweetness… The dominant ingredients of this smoothie are the omnipresent banana, almond milk and peanut butter. Don’t break into a sweat if ready-to-use almond milk is not conveniently available… Simply make it at home. All you have to do is, soak almonds in water for 24-48 hours. The longer the wait, the creamier it’s texture. Thereafter drain the liquid and grind the almonds with fresh water. Thereafter, strain it through a cheesecloth. A word of caution though – this homemade recipe stays good only for a few days when refrigerated so make as much as you will consume. Ideally, a cup of almonds with 2 cups of water should do the trick. Honey or dates can be added by those with a sweeter tooth!
All the banana lovers out there.. this one’s really gonna blow your mind and give you that adrenaline rush… for those who want to avoid artificial whey protein this can be your ideal solution… so do give this recipe of mine a try and send in your feedback.