Dutch Pancakes, traditionally called Pannenkoek are typically large, whole-pan size and are much thinner than a typical American pancake (but not quite as thin as a French crepe).
All you need: flour, milk, eggs, a pinch of salt, and some oil. Optionally you can add a little bit of sugar, nutmeg and cinnamon to the batter, and even fill the pancakes with slices of fresh fruits like apples and bananas, or cut berries.
One thing to be mindful of in this simple recipe: – it is super important to make sure that there are no lumps in the batter. You could use a hand blender to get a smooth batter.
Once the edges puff up and turn golden, and you can’t resist the sweet aroma of your pancake1
Serve the pancake hot or cold with syrup; dust it with powdered sugar, or any other topping of your choice. Traditionally these Dutch pancakes, filled or not are rolled and then eaten – perfect to eat on the go!